"And I--I tell you against both. I tell you the queen does not love me; I tell you she loves another; I tell you she loves that infamous Bugham! Why did you not have him arrested while in Paris?"
"Arrest the Duke! Arrest the prime minister of King Charles I! Think of it, sire! What a sdal! And if the suspis of your Majesty, whibsp;I still tinue to doubt, should prove to have any foundation, what a terrible disclosure, what a fearful sdal!"
"But as he expod himlf like a vagabond or a thief, he should have been--"
Louis XIII stopped, terrified at what he was about to say, while Richelieu, stretg out his nebsp;waited ulessly for the word whibsp;had died on the lips of the king.
"He should have been--?"
"Nothing," said the king, "nothing. But all the time he was in Paris, you, of cour, did not lo sight of him?"
"No, sire."
"Where did he lodge?"
"Rue de la Harpe. No. 75."
"Where is that?"
"By the side of the Luxemb."
"And you are certain that the queen and he did not e eabsp;other?"
"I believe the queen to have too high a n of her duty, sire."
"But they have corresponded; it is to him that the queen has been writing all the day. Monsieur Duke, I must have tho letters!"
"Sire, notwithstanding--"
"Monsieur Duke, at whatever pribsp;it may be, I will have them."
"I would, however, beg your Majesty to obrve--"
"Do you, then, also join in betraying me, Monsieur Cardinal, by thus always opposing my will? Are you also in accord with Spain and England, with Madame de Chevreu and the queen?"
"Sire," replied the cardinal, sighing, "I believed mylf cure from subsp;a suspi."
"Monsieur Cardinal, you have heard me; I will have tho letters."
"There is but one way."
"What is that?"
"That would be to charge Monsieur de Seguier, the keeper of the als, with this mission. The matter enters pletely into the duties of the post."
"Let him be nt for instantly."
"He is most likely at my hotel. I requested him to call, and when I came to the Louvre I left orders if he came, to desire him to wait."
"Let him be nt for instantly."
"Your Majesty''s orders shall be executed; but--"
"But what?"
"But the queen will perhaps refu to obey."