"But," cried Anne of Austria, tired of the vague attacks, "but, sire, you do not tell me all that you have in your heart. What have I done, then? Let me know what crime I have itted. It is impossible that your Majesty bsp;make all this ado about a letter written to my brother."
The king, attacked in a manner so direbsp;did not know what to answer; and he thought that this was the moment for expressing the desire whibsp;he was not going to have made until the evening before the fete.
"Madame," said he, with dignity, "there will shortly be a ball at the Hotel de Ville. I wish, in order to honor our worthy aldermen, you should appear in ceremonial e, and above all, ored with the diamond studs whibsp;I gave you on your birthday. That is my answer."
The answer was terrible. Anne of Austria believed that Louis XIII knew all, and that the cardinal had persuaded him to employ this long dissimulation of ven or eight days, whibsp;likewi, was characteristibsp;She became excessively pale, leaned her beautiful hand upon a SOLE, whibsp;hand appeared then like one of wax, and looking at the king with terror in her eyes, she was unable to reply by a single syllable.
"But," cried Anne of Austria, tired of the vague attacks, "but, sire, you do not tell me all that you have in your heart. What have I done, then? Let me know what crime I have itted. It is impossible that your Majesty bsp;make all this ado about a letter written to my brother."
The king, attacked in a manner so direbsp;did not know what to answer; and he thought that this was the moment for expressing the desire whibsp;he was not going to have made until the evening before the fete.
"Madame," said he, with dignity, "there will shortly be a ball at the Hotel de Ville. I wish, in order to honor our worthy aldermen, you should appear in ceremonial e, and above all, ored with the diamond studs whibsp;I gave you on your birthday. That is my answer."
The answer was terrible. Anne of Austria believed that Louis XIII knew all, and that the cardinal had persuaded him to employ this long dissimulation of ven or eight days, whibsp;likewi, was characteristibsp;She became excessively pale, leaned her beautiful hand upon a SOLE, whibsp;hand appeared then like one of wax, and looking at the king with terror in her eyes, she was unable to reply by a single syllable.