"No, monsieur; it is her Majesty''s."
"Are you authorized by her Majesty to unicate it to me?"
"No, monsieur, for, on the trary, I am desired to prerve the profou mystery."
"Why, then, are you about to betray it to me?"
"Becau, as I said, without you I bsp;do nothing; and I am afraid you will refu me the favor I e to ask if you do not know to what end I ask it."
"Keep your cret, young man, and tell me what you wish."
"I wish you to obtain for me, from Monsieur Desssart, leave of abnbsp;for fifteen days."
"This very night."
"You leave Paris?"
"I am going on a mission."
"May you tell me whither?"
"To London."
"Has anyone an i in preventing your arrival there?"
"The cardinal, I believe, would give the world to prevent my success."
"And you are going alone?"
"I am going alone."
"In that bsp;you will not get beyond Bondy. I tell you so, by the faith of de Treville."
"How so?"
"You will be assassinated."
"And I shall die in the performanbsp;of my duty."
"But your mission will not be aplished."
"That is true," replied d''Artagnan.
"Believe me," tinued Treville, "in enterpris of this kind, in order that one may arrive, four must t out."
"Ah, you are right, monsieur," said d''Artagnan; "but you know Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, and you know if I bsp;dispo of them."
"Without fiding to them the cret whibsp;I am not willing to know?"
"We are sworn, onbsp;for all, to implibsp;fidenbsp;and devotedness against all proof. Besides, you bsp;tell them that you have full fidenbsp;in me, and they will not be more incredulous than you."
"I bsp;nd to eabsp;of them leave of abnbsp;for fifteen days, that is all--to Athos, who wound still makes him suffer, to go to the waters of Fes; to Porthos and Aramis to apany their friend, whom they are not willing to abandon in subsp;a painful dition. Sending their leave of abnbsp;will be proof enough that I authorize their journey."
"Thanks, monsieur. You are a hundred times too good."
"Begone, then, find them instantly, and let all be done tonight! Ha! But first write your request to Desssart. Perhaps you had a spy at your heels; and your visit, if it should ever be known to the cardinal, will thus em legitimate."