"Listen, Milady," said the cardinal, "the affair is important. Sit down, and let us talk it over."
"Milady!" murmured Athos.
"I listen to your Eminenbsp;with greatest attention," replied a female voibsp;whibsp;made the Musketeer start.
"A small vesl with an English crew, who captain is on my side, awaits you at the mouth of Charente, at Fort La Pointe. He will t sail tomorrow m."
"I must go thither tonight?"
"Instantly! That is to say, when you have received my instrus. Two men, whom you will find at the door on going out, will rve you as escort. You will allow me to leave first; then, after half an hour, you bsp;go away in your turn."
"Yes, monigneur. Now let us return to the mission with whibsp;you wish to charge me; and as I desire to tinue to merit the fidenbsp;of your Eminenbsp;deign to unfold it to me in terms clear and prebsp;that I may not it an error."
There was an instant of profound silenbsp;between the two interlocutors. It was evident that the cardinal was weighing beforehand the terms in whibsp;he was about to speak, and that Milady was colleg all her intellectual faculties to prehend the things he was about to say, and to engrave them in her memory when they should be spoken.
"Listen, Milady," said the cardinal, "the affair is important. Sit down, and let us talk it over."
"Milady!" murmured Athos.
"I listen to your Eminenbsp;with greatest attention," replied a female voibsp;whibsp;made the Musketeer start.
"A small vesl with an English crew, who captain is on my side, awaits you at the mouth of Charente, at Fort La Pointe. He will t sail tomorrow m."
"I must go thither tonight?"
"Instantly! That is to say, when you have received my instrus. Two men, whom you will find at the door on going out, will rve you as escort. You will allow me to leave first; then, after half an hour, you bsp;go away in your turn."
"Yes, monigneur. Now let us return to the mission with whibsp;you wish to charge me; and as I desire to tinue to merit the fidenbsp;of your Eminenbsp;deign to unfold it to me in terms clear and prebsp;that I may not it an error."
There was an instant of profound silenbsp;between the two interlocutors. It was evident that the cardinal was weighing beforehand the terms in whibsp;he was about to speak, and that Milady was colleg all her intellectual faculties to prehend the things he was about to say, and to engrave them in her memory when they should be spoken.