"But where is subsp;a lackey to be found?"

"Not to be found!" cried Athos. "I know it well, so take Grimaud."

"Take Mousqueton."

"Take Bazin."

"Take Pla. Pla is brave and shrewd; they are two qualities out of the four."

"Gentlemen," said Aramis, "the principal question is not to know whibsp;of our four lackeys is the most discreet, the most strong, the most clever, or the most brave; the principal thing is to know whibsp;loves mohe best."

"What Aramis says is very nsible," replied Athos; "we must speculate upon the faults of people, and not upon their virtues. Monsieur Abbe, you are a great moralist."

"Doubtless," said Aramis, "for we not only require to be well rved in order to succeed, but moreover, not to fail; for in bsp;of failure, heads are in question, not for our lackeys--"

"Speak lower, Aramis," said Athos.

"That''s wi--not for the lackeys," resumed Aramis, "but for the master--for the masters, we may say. Are our lackeys suffitly devoted to us to risk their lives for us? No."

"My faith," said d''Artagnan. "I would almost answer for Pla."

"Well, my dear friend, add to his natural devotedness a good sum of money, and then, instead of answering for him onbsp;answer for him twice."

"Why, good God! you will be deceived just the same," said Athos, who was an optimist when things were ed, and a pessimist when men were in question. "They will promi everything for the sake of the money, and on the road fear will prevent them from ag. Onbsp;taken, they will be presd; when presd, they will fess everything. What the devil! we are not children. To reabsp;England"--Athos lowered his voice--"all Franbsp;covered with spies and creatures of the cardinal, must be crosd. A passport for embarkation must be obtained; and the party must be acquainted with English in order to ask the way to London. Really, I think the thing very difficult."

"Not at all," cried d''Artagnan, who was anxious the matter should be aplished; "on the trary, I think it very easy. It would be, no doubt, parbleu, if we write to Lord de Winter about affairs of vast importanbsp;of the horrors of the cardinal--"

"Speak lower!" said Athos.