This supposition appeared to her most reasonable. It emed to her that they wanted to revenge the past, and not to anticipate the future. At all events, she gratulated herlf upon having fallen into the hands of her brother-in-law, with whom she reed she could deal very easily, rather than into the hands of an aowledged and intelligent enemy.

"Yes, let us chat, brother," said she, with a kind of cheerfulness, decided as she was to draw from the versation, in spite of all the dissimulation Lord de Winter could bring, the revelations of whibsp;she stood in need to regulate her future duct.

"You have, then, decided to e to England again," said Lord de Winter, "in spite of the resolutions you so often expresd in Paris never to t your feet on British ground?"

Milady replied to this question by another question. "To begin with, tell me," said she, "how have you watched me so cloly as to be aware beforehand not only of my arrival, but even of the day, the hour, and the port at which I should arrive?"

This supposition appeared to her most reasonable. It emed to her that they wanted to revenge the past, and not to anticipate the future. At all events, she gratulated herlf upon having fallen into the hands of her brother-in-law, with whom she reed she could deal very easily, rather than into the hands of an aowledged and intelligent enemy.

"Yes, let us chat, brother," said she, with a kind of cheerfulness, decided as she was to draw from the versation, in spite of all the dissimulation Lord de Winter could bring, the revelations of whibsp;she stood in need to regulate her future duct.

"You have, then, decided to e to England again," said Lord de Winter, "in spite of the resolutions you so often expresd in Paris never to t your feet on British ground?"

Milady replied to this question by another question. "To begin with, tell me," said she, "how have you watched me so cloly as to be aware beforehand not only of my arrival, but even of the day, the hour, and the port at which I should arrive?"

Lord de Winter adopted the same tactibsp;as Milady, thinking that as his sister-in-law employed them they must be the best.

"But tell me, my dear sister," replied he, "what makes you e to England?"