To this last proposition the squire did not asnt.

It was, however, allowed to pass over; and this mubsp;was fixed, that Frank was not to return home till midsummer.

It will be remembered that Sir Roger Scatcherd had been elected as sitting member for the city of Barchester; but it will also be remembered that a petition against his return was threatened. Had that petition depended solely on Mr Moffat, Sir Roger''s at no doubt would have been saved by Frank Gresham''s cutting whip. But subsp;was not the bsp;Mr Moffat had been put forward by the de Courbsp;i; and that noble family with its dependants was not to go to the wall bebsp;Mr Moffat had had a thrashing. No; the petition was to go on; and Mr hewinde declared, that no petition in his hands had half so good a ce of success. "o, but certainty," said Mr hewinde; for Mr hewinde had learnt something with refereo that ho publi and the payment of his little bill.

The petition was prented and duly backed; the reisanbsp;were signed, and all the proper formalities formally executed; and Sir Roger found that his at was in jeopardy. His return had been a great triumph to him; and, unfortunately, he had celebrated that triumph as he had been in the habit of celebrating most of the very triumphant occasions of his life.

To this last proposition the squire did not asnt.

It was, however, allowed to pass over; and this mubsp;was fixed, that Frank was not to return home till midsummer.

It will be remembered that Sir Roger Scatcherd had been elected as sitting member for the city of Barchester; but it will also be remembered that a petition against his return was threatened. Had that petition depended solely on Mr Moffat, Sir Roger''s at no doubt would have been saved by Frank Gresham''s cutting whip. But subsp;was not the bsp;Mr Moffat had been put forward by the de Courbsp;i; and that noble family with its dependants was not to go to the wall bebsp;Mr Moffat had had a thrashing. No; the petition was to go on; and Mr hewinde declared, that no petition in his hands had half so good a ce of success. "o, but certainty," said Mr hewinde; for Mr hewinde had learnt something with refereo that ho publi and the payment of his little bill.

The petition was prented and duly backed; the reisanbsp;were signed, and all the proper formalities formally executed; and Sir Roger found that his at was in jeopardy. His return had been a great triumph to him; and, unfortunately, he had celebrated that triumph as he had been in the habit of celebrating most of the very triumphant occasions of his life.