Treatment was distinued by 16 of the 89 women ihadone group (18%)and 28 of the 86 women in the buprenorphine group (33%). A parison of the 131 es who mothers were followed to the end nancy acc to treatment group (with 58 expod to buprenorphine and 73 expod to methadone)showed that the froup required signifitly less morphine (mean do, 1.1 mg vs. 10.4 mg; P<0.0091), had a signifitly shorter hospital stay (10.0 days vs. 17.5 days, P<0.0091), and had a signifitly shorter duration of treatment for the al abstinence syndrome (4.1 days vs. 9.9 days, P<0.003125)(P values calculated in accordah prespecified thresholds fnifice). There were no signifit differences between groups in other primary or dary outes or ies of maternal or al adver events.
The results are sistent with the u of buprenorphine as an acceptable treatment for opioid dependen pregnant women. (Funded by the National Institute Abu; number, NCT00271219.)
Treatment was distinued by 16 of the 89 women ihadone group (18%)and 28 of the 86 women in the buprenorphine group (33%). A parison of the 131 es who mothers were followed to the end nancy acc to treatment group (with 58 expod to buprenorphine and 73 expod to methadone)showed that the froup required signifitly less morphine (mean do, 1.1 mg vs. 10.4 mg; P<0.0091), had a signifitly shorter hospital stay (10.0 days vs. 17.5 days, P<0.0091), and had a signifitly shorter duration of treatment for the al abstinence syndrome (4.1 days vs. 9.9 days, P<0.003125)(P values calculated in accordah prespecified thresholds fnifice). There were no signifit differences between groups in other primary or dary outes or ies of maternal or al adver events.
The results are sistent with the u of buprenorphine as an acceptable treatment for opioid dependen pregnant women. (Funded by the National Institute Abu; number, NCT00271219.)
New Words and Expressions
abstinen. 節製,禁忌,戒除:節製食物,興奮藥和節欲等。習慣用語:alimentary abstinence 飲食節製,斷食
methadone n. 美散痛,美沙酮=mathadon
mu-opioid n. μ阿片樣物質:mu μ:希臘文第十二個字母;opioid 類鴉片: