tt’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.
332.Large bodies of water and the prevalence of moisture-bearing winds often produce a condition of high humidity, affecting the local weather.
333.Manganese does not exist naturally in a pure state because it reacts so easily with other elements.
334.Scientists estimate that as many as hundred million visible meteors enter the Earth’s atmosphere every day.
335.Although not abundant in nature, zinc is important for both the galvanization of iron and the preparation of alloys such as brass and German silver.
336.Canada has a bicameral, or two-chamber parliament.
337.To save time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only three fingers and a thumb.
338.The recent discovery of a novel by Harriet Wilson, published in 1859, has brought to light a landmark in Black American literature.
339.The telescopes of the 1600''s magnified objects thirty-three times their original size.
340.Thyme, a fragrant garden herb, yields a medicinal oil containing thymol.
341.Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated, but in some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions.
342.Nutritionists consider goat milk to be rich, nourishing, and readily digested.