Caspian shouted to the boatswain to keep her back, and all except the rowers rushed forward and gazed from the bows. But there was nothing to be en by gazing. Behind them was the a and the sun, before them the Darkness.

“Do we go into this?” asked Caspian at length.

“Not by my advice,” said Drinian.

“The Captain’s right,” said veral sailors.

“I almost think he is,” said Edmund.

Lud Eustace didn’t speak but they felt very glad i the turn things emed to be taking. But all at ohe clear voice of Reepicheep broke in upon the silence.

“And why not?” he said. “Will someone explain to me why not.”

No one was anxious to explain, so Reepicheep tinued:

“If I were addressing peasants or slaves,” he said, “I might suppo that this suggestion proceeded from cowardice. But I hope it will never be told in Narnia that a pany of noble and royal persons in the flower of their age turail becau they were afraid of the dark.”

“But what manner of u would it be ploughing through that blaess?” asked Drinian.

Caspian shouted to the boatswain to keep her back, and all except the rowers rushed forward and gazed from the bows. But there was nothing to be en by gazing. Behind them was the a and the sun, before them the Darkness.

“Do we go into this?” asked Caspian at length.

“Not by my advice,” said Drinian.

“The Captain’s right,” said veral sailors.

“I almost think he is,” said Edmund.

Lud Eustace didn’t speak but they felt very glad i the turn things emed to be taking. But all at ohe clear voice of Reepicheep broke in upon the silence.

“And why not?” he said. “Will someone explain to me why not.”

No one was anxious to explain, so Reepicheep tinued:

“If I were addressing peasants or slaves,” he said, “I might suppo that this suggestion proceeded from cowardice. But I hope it will never be told in Narnia that a pany of noble and royal persons in the flower of their age turail becau they were afraid of the dark.”

“But what manner of u would it be ploughing through that blaess?” asked Drinian.

“U?” replied Reepicheep. “U, Captain? If by u you mean filling our bellies or our purs, I fess it will be no u at all. So far as I know we did not t sail to look for things uful but to ek honor and adventure. And here is as great an adventure as ever I heard of, and here, if we turn bao tittle impeat of all our honors.”