“Oh Aravis, Aravis! How you say such dreadful things; and about the Tisroc (may he live for ever) too. It must be right if he’s going to do it!”

“Good-bye,” said Aravis, “and I thought your dress lovely. And I think your hou is lovely too. I’m sure you’ll have a lovely life — though it wouldn’t suit me. Clo the door softly behind me.”

She tore herlf away from her friend’s affeate embraces, stepped into a punt, cast off, and a moment later was out in midstream with a huge real moon overhead and a huge reflected moon down, deep down, in the river. The air was fresh and cool and as she drew he farther bank she heard the hooting of an owl. “Ah! That’s better!” thought Aravis. She had always lived in the try and had hated every minute of her time in Tashbaan.

Wheepped ashore she found herlf in darkness for the ri of the ground, and the trees, cut off the moonlight. But she mao find the same road that Shasta had found, and came just as he had doo the end of the grass and the beginning of the sand, and looked (like him) to her left and saw the big, blabs. And now at last, brave girl though she was, her heart quailed. Supposing the others weren’t there! Supposing the ghouls were! But she stuck out her (and a little bit of her tooo) a straight towards them.

But before she had reached them she saw Bree and Hwin and the groom.

“You go back to your mistress now,” said Aravis (quite fetting that he couldn’t, until the city gates opened m). “Here is money for your pains.”

“To hear is to obey,” said the groom, and at o off at a remarkable speed in the dire of the city. There was o tell him to make haste: he also had been thinking a good deal about ghouls.

For the few ds Aravis was busy kissing the nos and patting the necks of Hwin and Bree just as if they were quite ordinary hors.

“And here es Shasta! Thanks be to the Lion!” said Bree.

Aravis looked round, and there, right enough, was Shasta who had e out of hiding the moment he saw the groom going away.

“And now,” said Aravis. “There’s not a moment to lo.” And in hasty words she told them about Rabadash’s expedition.