“By Jove, Ed,” said Peter. “I believe you’ve got it. In that n it really was hundreds of years ago that we lived in Cair Paravel. And now we’re ing back to Narnia just as if we were Crusaders lo-Saxons or A Britons or someone ing baodern England?”

“How excited they’ll be to e us—” began Lucy, but at the same moment everyone el said, “Hush!” or “Look!” For now something was happening.

There was a wooded point on the mainland a little to their right, and they all felt sure that just beyond that point must be the mouth of the river. And now, round that point there came into sight a boat. When it had cleared the point, it turned and began ing along the el toward them. There were two people on board, one rowing, the other sitting iern and holding a buhat twitched and moved as if it were alive. Both the people emed to be soldiers. They had steel caps on their heads and light shirts of -mail. Their faces were bearded and hard. The children drew back from the beato the wood and watched without moving a finger.

“This’ll do,” said the soldier ierhe boat had e about opposite to them.

“What about tying a stoo his feet, Corporal?” said the other, resting on his oars.

“Garn!” growled the other. “We don’t hat, and we haven’t brought one. He’ll drown sure enough without a stone, as long as we’ve tied the cords right.” With the words he ro and lifted his bundle. Peter now saw that it was really alive and was in fact a Dwarf, bound hand and foot but struggling as hard as he could. moment he heard a twang just beside his ear, and all at ohe soldier threw up his arms, dropping the Dwarf into the bottom of the boat, and fell over into the water. He floundered away to the far bank aer khat Susan’s arrow had stru his helmet. He turned and saw that she was very pale but was already fitting a d arrow to the string. But it was never ud. As soon as he saw his panion fall, the other soldier, with a loud cry, jumped out of the boat on the far side, and lie also flouhrough the water (which arently just in his depth) and disappeared into the woods of the mainland.