“His Majesty is the King to whom you have sworn allegiance,” said Trufflehuernly.

“Court manners, court manners,” sneered Nikabrik. “But in this hole we may talk plainly. You know—and he knows—that this Telmarine boy will be king of nowhere and nobody in a week unless we help him out of the trap in which he sits.”

“Perhaps,” said elius, “your new friends would like to speak for themlves? You there, who and what are you?”

“Worshipful Master Doctor,” came a thin, whining voice. “So plea you, I’m only a poor old woman, I am, and very obliged to his Worshipful Dwarfship for his friendship, I’m sure. His Majesty, bless his handsome face, has o be afraid of an old woman that’s nearly doubled up with the rheumatid hasn’t two sticks to put under her kettle. I have some poor little skill—not like yours, Master Doctor, of cour—in small spells and trips that I’d be glad to u against our enemies if it was agreeable to all ed. For I hate’em. Oh yes. No oes better than me.”

“That is all most iing and—er—satisfactory,” said Doctor elius. “I think I now know what you are, Madam. Perhaps your other friend, Nikabrik, would give some at of himlf?”

A dull, gray voice at which Peter’s flesh crept replied, “I’m hunger. I’m thirst. Where I bite, I hold till I die, and even after death they must y mouthful from my enemy’s body and bury it with me. I fast a hundred years and not die. I lie a hundred nights on the id not freeze. I drink a river of blood and not burst. Show me your enemies.”

“And it is in the prence of the two that you wish to disclo your plan?” said Caspian.

“Yes,” said Nikabrik. “And by their help that I mean to execute it.”

There was a minute or tw which Trumpkin and the boys could hear Caspian and his two friends speaking in low voices but could not make out what they were saying. Then Caspian spoke aloud.

“Well, Nikabrik,” he said, “we will hear your plan.”

There au so long that the boys began to wonder if Nikabrik was ever going to begin; when he did, it was in a lower voice, as if he himlf did not much like what he was saying.