They were quite tired of looking for him when at last his large grey head peered cautiously out of the doorway and he said,“Has it gone away?”And when at last they got him to e out, he was shivering the way a dog shivers before a thuorm.
“I e nouzzle,“that I really have been a very bad donkey.I ought o have listeo Shift.I hought things like this would begin to happen.”
“If you’d speime saying you weren’t clever and more time trying to be as clever as you could—”begaace but Jill interrupted him.
“Oh leave poor old Puzzle alone,”she said.“It was all a mistake, wasn’t it, Puzzle dear?”And she kisd him on the no.
Though rather shaken by what they had en, the whole party now sat down again a on with their talk.
Jewel had little to tell them.While he risoner he had spent nearly all his time tied up at the back of the stable, and had of cour heard none of the enemies’plans.He had been kicked(he’d done some kig back too)aen and threatened with death unless he would say that he believed it was Aslan who was brought out and shown to them by firelight every night.In fact he was going to be executed this very m if he had not been rescued.He didn’t know what had happeo the Lamb.
The question they had to decide was whether they would go to Stable Hill again that night, show Puzzle to the Narnians and try to make them e how they had been tricked, or whether they should steal away Eastward to meet the help which Roonwit the taur was bringing up from Cair Paravel aurn against the Ape and his enes in force.Tirian would very much like to have followed the first plaed the idea of leaving the Ape to bully his people one moment lohan need be.Oher hand, the way the Dwarfs had behaved last night was a warning.Apparently one couldn’t be sure how people would take it even if he showed them Puzzle.And there were the ene soldiers to be reed with.Poggin thought there were about thirty of them.Tiria sure that if the Narnians all rallied to his side, he and Jewel and the children and Poggin(Puzzle didn’t t for much)would have a good ce of beating them.But how if half the Narnians—including all the Dwarfs—just sat and looked on?or even fought against him?The risk was too great.And there was, too, the cloudy shape of Tash.What might it do?
And then, as Poggin pointed out, there was no harm in leaving the Ape to deal with his own difficulties for a day or two.He would have no Puzzle t out and show now.It wasn’t easy to e what story he—inger—could make up to explain that.If the Beasts asked night after night to e Aslan, and no Aslan was brought out, surely even the simplest of them would get suspicious.