it went.But they would have hated it far wor if they had known what it meant.Tirian did.It meant that there were other eroops somewhere near and that Rishda Tarkaan was calling them to his aid.Tirian and Jewel looked at one another sadly.They had just begun to hope that they might win that night, but it would be all over with them if new enemies appeared. went the horrible drum.Then another sound began to mix with it.“Listen!”said Jewel; and then“Look!”said Farsight.A moment later there was no doubt what it was.With a thunder of hoofs, with tossing heads, widened nostrils, and waving manes, over a score of Talking Hors of Narnia came charging up the hill.The gnawers and nibblers had doheir work. , then rush to join Jill at the white rock, where we shall have prote behind us and breathe awhile.Now, be off, Jill.” “To me!To me!”he called.“Have you all turned cowards since I was your King?”
“We daren’t,”whimpered dozens of voices.“Tashlan would be angry.Shield us from Tashlan.”
“Where are all the Talking Hors?”said Tirian to the Boar.
“We’ve en, we’ve en,”squealed the Mice.“The Ape has made them work.They’re all tied down at the bottom of the hill.”
“Then all you little ones,”said Tirian,“you nibblers and gnawers and nutcrackers, away with you as fast as you scamper and e if the Hors are on our side.And if they are, get your teeth into the ropes and gnaw till the Hors are free and bring them hither.”
“With a good will, Sire,”came the small voices, and with a whisk of tails tho sharp-eyed and sharp-toothed folk were off.Tirian smiled for mere love as he saw them go.But it was already time to be thinking of other things.Rishda Tarkaan was giving his orders.
“Forward,”he said.“Take all of them alive if you and hurl them into the stable or drive them into it.When they are all in we will put fire to it and make them an to the great god Tash.”
it went.But they would have hated it far wor if they had known what it meant.Tirian did.It meant that there were other eroops somewhere near and that Rishda Tarkaan was calling them to his aid.Tirian and Jewel looked at one another sadly.They had just begun to hope that they might win that night, but it would be all over with them if new enemies appeared. went the horrible drum.Then another sound began to mix with it.“Listen!”said Jewel; and then“Look!”said Farsight.A moment later there was no doubt what it was.With a thunder of hoofs, with tossing heads, widened nostrils, and waving manes, over a score of Talking Hors of Narnia came charging up the hill.The gnawers and nibblers had doheir work. , then rush to join Jill at the white rock, where we shall have prote behind us and breathe awhile.Now, be off, Jill.” “Ha!”said Farsight to himlf.“So that is how he hopes to win Tash’s pardon for his unbelief.”
The enemy line—about half of Rishda’s force—was now moving forward, and Tirian had barely time to give his orders.
“Out on the left, Jill, and try to shoot all you may before they reach us.Boar and Bear gin on my left, Eustay right.Hold the right wing, Jewel.Stand by him, Puzzle, and u your hoofs.Hover and strike, Farsight.You Dogs, just behind us.Go in among them after the sword-play has begun.Aslan to our aid!”
Eustace stood with his heart beating terribly, hoping and hoping that he would be brave.He had never en anything(though he had en both a dragon and a a-rpent)that made his blood run so cold as that line of dark-faced bright-eyed men.There were fifteen enes, a Talking Bull of Narnia, Slihe Fox, and Wraggle the Satyr.Then he heard twang-and-zipp on his left and one ehen twang-and-zipp again and the Satyr was down.“Oh, well done, daughter!”came Tirian’s voice, and then the enemy were upon them.