The only answer was growls.

“Get on, warriors,”said the Tarkaan.“Kill the beasts, but take the two-legged ones alive.”

And then the last battle of the last King of Narnia began.

What made it hopeless, even apart from the numbers of the enemy, was the spears.The enes who had been with the Ape almost from the beginning had had no spears, that was becau they had e into Narnia by ones and twos, pretending to be peaceful merts, and of cour they had carried no spears for a spear is not a thing you hide.The new ones must have e in later, after the Ape was already strong and they could march openly.The spears made all the differeh a long spear you kill a boar before you are in reach of his tusks and a uni before you are in reach of his horn; if you are very quid keep your head.And now the levelled spears were closing in on Tirian and his last friends. mihey were all fighting for their lives.

In a way it wasn’t quite so bad as you might think.When you are using every muscle to the full—dug under a spear-point here, leaping over it there, lunging forward, drawing back, wheeling round—you haven’t much time to feel either frightened or sad.Tirian knew he could do nothing for the others now; they were all doomed together.He vaguely saw the Bo down on one side of him, and Jewel fighting furiously oher.Out of the er of one eye he saw, but only just saw, a big ene pulling Jill away somewhere by her hair.But he hardly thought about any of the things.His only thought now was to ll his life as dearly as he could.The worst of it was that he couldn’t keep to the position in which he had started, uhe white rock.A man who is fighting a dozen e once must take his ces wherever he ; must dart in wherever he es an enemy’s breast or neguarded.In a very few strokes this may get you quite a distance from the spot where you began.Tirian soon found that he was getting further and further to the right, o the stable.He had a vague idea in his mind that there was some good reason for keeping away from it.But he couldn’t now remember what the reason was.And anyway, he couldn’t help it.