“When I uood this, a great rage fell upon me and I wohat the true Tash did not strike down both the Monkey and the Tarkaan with fire from heaveheless I hid my anger and held my tongue and waited to e how it would end.But last night, as some of you know, the Monkey brought not forth the yellow thing but said that all who desired to look upon Tashlan—for so they mixed the two words to pretend that they were all one—must pass one by oo the hovel.And I said to mylf, Doubtless this is some other deception.But whe had followed in and had e out again in a madness of terror, then I said to mylf, Surely the true Tash, whom they called on without knowledge or belief, has now e among us, and will avenge himlf.And though my heart was turned into water inside me becau of the greatness and terror of Tash, yet my desire was strohan my fear, and I put force upon my ko stay them from trembling, and on my teeth that they should not chatter, and resolved to look upon the face of Tash though he should slay me.So I offered mylf to go into the hovel, and the Tarkaan, though unwillingly, let me go.

“When I uood this, a great rage fell upon me and I wohat the true Tash did not strike down both the Monkey and the Tarkaan with fire from heaveheless I hid my anger and held my tongue and waited to e how it would end.But last night, as some of you know, the Monkey brought not forth the yellow thing but said that all who desired to look upon Tashlan—for so they mixed the two words to pretend that they were all one—must pass one by oo the hovel.And I said to mylf, Doubtless this is some other deception.But whe had followed in and had e out again in a madness of terror, then I said to mylf, Surely the true Tash, whom they called on without knowledge or belief, has now e among us, and will avenge himlf.And though my heart was turned into water inside me becau of the greatness and terror of Tash, yet my desire was strohan my fear, and I put force upon my ko stay them from trembling, and on my teeth that they should not chatter, and resolved to look upon the face of Tash though he should slay me.So I offered mylf to go into the hovel, and the Tarkaan, though unwillingly, let me go.

“As soon as I had gone in at the door, the first wonder was that I found mylf in this great sunlight(as we all are now)though the inside of the hovel had looked dark from outside.But I had no time to marvel at this, for immediately I was forced to fight for my head against one of our own men.As soon as I saw him I uood that the Monkey and the Tarkaan had t him there to slay any who came in if he were not in their crets, so that this man also was a liar and a mocker and no true rvant of Tash.I had the better will to fight him, and having slain the villain, I cast him out behihrough the door.