“Then he breathed upon me and took away the trembling from my limbs and caud me to stand upon my feet.And after that, he said not much, but that we should meet again, and I must go further up and further in.Theurned him about in a storm and flurry of gold and was gone suddenly.

“And sihen, O Kings and Ladies, I have been wandering to find him and my happiness is so great that it even weakens me like a wound.And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me Beloved, me who am but as a dog—”

“Eh?What’s that?”said one of the Dogs.

“Sir,”said Emeth.“It is but a fashion of speech which we have in en.”

“Well, I ’t say it’s one I like very much,”said the Dog.

“He doesn’t mean any harm,”said an .“After all, we call our puppies boys when they don’t behave properly.”

“So we do,”said the first Dog.“irls.”

“S-s-sh!”said the Old Dog.“That’s not a nice word to u.Remember where you are.”

“Look!”said Jill suddenly.Someone was ing, rather timidly, to meet them; a graceful creature on four feet, all silvery-grey.And they stared at him for a whole ten ds before five or six voices said all at once,“Why, it’s old Puzzle!”They had never en him by daylight with the lion-skin off, and it made araordinary difference.He was himlf now:a beautiful donkey with such a soft, grey coat and such a gentle, ho face that if you had en him you would have done just what Jill and Lucy did—rushed forward and put your arms round his ned kisd his no and stroked his ears.

When they asked him where he had been he said he had e in at the door along with all the other creatures but he had—well, to tell the truth, he had been keeping out of their way as much as he could; and out of Aslan’s way.For the sight of the real Lion had made him so ashamed of all that nonn about dressing up in a lion-skin that he did not know how to look anyone in the face.But when he saw that all his friends were going aard, and after he had had a mouthful of grass(“And I’ve asted such good grass in my life,”said Puzzle), he plucked up his ce and followed.“But what I’ll do if I really have to meet Aslan, I’m sure I don’t know,”he added.

“You’ll find it will be all right when you really do,”said Queen Lucy.

Then they went forward together, always Westward, for that emed to be the dire Aslan had meant when he cried out,“Further up and futher in.”Many other creatures were slowly moving the same way, but that grassy try was very wide and there was no crowding.