“My poor child,”she said in quite a different voice.“how cold you look!e and sit with me here on the sledge and I will put my mantle round you and we will talk.”

Edmund did not like this arra at all but he dared not disobey; he stepped on to the sledge and sat at her feet, and she put a fold of her fur mantle round him and tucked it well in.

“Perhaps something hot to drink?”said the Queen.“Should you like that?”

“Yes plea, your Majesty,”said Edmund, who teeth were chattering.

The Queen took from somewhere among her ings a very small bottle which looked as if it were made of copper.Then, holding out her arm, she let one drop fall from it on the snow beside the sledge.Edmund saw the drop for a d in mid-air, shining like a diamond.But the moment it touched the snow there was a hissing sound and there stood a jewelled cup full of something that steamed.The dwarf immediately took this and ha to Edmund with a bow and a smile; not a very nice smile.Edmu much better as he began to sip the hot drink.It was something he had asted before, very sweet and foamy and creamy, and it warmed him right down to his toes.

“My poor child,”she said in quite a different voice.“how cold you look!e and sit with me here on the sledge and I will put my mantle round you and we will talk.”

Edmund did not like this arra at all but he dared not disobey; he stepped on to the sledge and sat at her feet, and she put a fold of her fur mantle round him and tucked it well in.

“Perhaps something hot to drink?”said the Queen.“Should you like that?”

“Yes plea, your Majesty,”said Edmund, who teeth were chattering.

The Queen took from somewhere among her ings a very small bottle which looked as if it were made of copper.Then, holding out her arm, she let one drop fall from it on the snow beside the sledge.Edmund saw the drop for a d in mid-air, shining like a diamond.But the moment it touched the snow there was a hissing sound and there stood a jewelled cup full of something that steamed.The dwarf immediately took this and ha to Edmund with a bow and a smile; not a very nice smile.Edmu much better as he began to sip the hot drink.It was something he had asted before, very sweet and foamy and creamy, and it warmed him right down to his toes.