“We have e—Aslan.”
“Wele, Peter, Son of Adam,”said Aslan.“Wele, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve.Wele He-Beaver and She-Beaver.”
His voice was deep and rid somehow took the fidgets out of them.They now felt glad and quiet and it didn’t em awkward to them to stand and say nothing.
“But where is the fourth?”asked Aslan.
“He has tried to betray them and joihe White Witch, O Aslan,”said Mr.Beaver.And then something made Peter say.“That artly my fault, Aslan.I was angry with him and I think that helped him to g.”
And Aslan said nothiher to excu Peter or to blame him but merely stood looking at him with his great unging eyes.And it emed to all of them that there was nothing to be said.
“Plea—Aslan,”said Lucy.“ anything be doo save Edmund?”
“All shall be done,”said Aslan.“But it may be harder than you think.”And then he was silent again for some time.Up to that moment Lucy had been thinking how royal and strong and peaceful his face looked; now it suddenly came into her head that he looked sad as well.But mihat expression was quite gohe Lion shook his mane and clapped his paws together.“Terrible paws,”thought Lucy.“if he didn’t know how to velvet them!”)and said,
“Meanwhile, let the feast be prepared.Ladies, take the Daughters of Eve to the pavilion and mio them.”
When the girls had gone Aslan laid his paw—and though it was velveted it was very heavy—oer’s shoulder and said.“e, Son of Adam, and I will show you a far-off sight of the castle where you are to be King.”
Aer with his sword still drawn in his ha with the Lion to the eastern edge of the hilltop.There a beautiful sight met their eyes.The sun was tting behind their backs.That meant that the whole try below them lay in the evening light—forest and hills and valleys and, winding away like a silver she lower part of the great river.And beyond all this, miles away, was the a, and beyond the a the sky, full of clouds which were just turning ro colour with the refle of the sunt.But just where the land of Narnia met the a—in fact, at the mouth of the great river—there was something on a little hill, shining.It was shining becau it was a castle and of cour the sunlight was reflected from all the windows which looked towards Peter and the sunt; but to Peter it looked like a great star resting on the ashore.
“That, O Man,”said Aslan.“is Cair Paravel of the four thrones, in one of whiust sit as King.I show it to you becau you are the first-born and you will be High King over all the rest.”