Chapter 6 社會&活動(2 / 3)

disper 分散 ←同首詞→ discrimination 歧視

eg. The police disperd the inhabitants who had racial discrimination.


spiracy [kən''spɪrəsɪ] n. 陰謀;共謀;陰謀集團

spiracy 共謀 ←同首詞→ it 犯罪

eg. Seven men admitted spiramit arson.


oust [aʊst] v. 驅逐;剝奪;取代

oust 驅逐 ←形似詞→ out 外麵

eg. Unfortuhe fovernor was ousted out of his try.


san [''sæŋkʃən] n. 製裁,處罰;認可;支持 v. 製裁,處罰;批準;鼓勵

san 製裁 ←同尾詞→ reje 拒絕

eg. That anization got a san from the UN becau of its reje to help the refugees.


slavery [''sleɪvərɪ] n. 奴役;奴隸製度;奴隸身份

slavery 奴隸製度 ←詞中詞→ slave 奴隸

eg. The northerried to abolish slavery to save slaves.


protest [''prəʊtest] v. 抗議;斷言 n. 抗議 adj. 表示抗議的;抗議性的

protest 抗議 ←詞中詞→ test 試驗

eg. The residents were protesting ests.


deliver [dɪ''lɪvə] v. 交付;發表;遞送;釋放 n. 投球

deliver 發表 ←詞中詞→ liver 肝髒

eg. The famous doctor will deliver a speech about liver cer.


ie [''ɪntɪgreɪt] n. (使)完整,(使)成為一體,(使)結合

ie(使)成為一體 ←同尾詞→ immigrate 移民

eg. Fners who immigrate here don''t ie well into the native unity.


dole [dəʊl] n. 失業救濟金;賑濟物;施舍品 v. 發放救濟;以小份發給

dole 以小份發給 ←同尾詞→ hole 洞

eg. He dug a hole to bury old clothes instead of doling out to the poor.


regulatijʊ''leɪʃən] n. 管理;規則;校準 adj. 規定的;平常的

regulation 管理 ←同首詞→ reduce 減少

eg. Some people in the market now want gover regulation in order to reduce costs.


ban [bæn] v. 禁止,取締 n. 禁令,禁忌

ban 禁止 ←詞中詞→ bank 銀行

eg. The state governor bans the bank from lling goods.


poll [pəʊl] n. 投票;民意測驗;投票數;投票所 v. 投票;剪短;對……進行民意測驗;獲得選票

poll 對……進行民意測驗 ←形似詞→ pool 水池

eg. Seventeen people in the swimming pool were polled.


cede [siːd] v. 放棄;割讓(領土)

cede 放棄 ←同音詞→ ed 種子

eg. The farmers were forced to sign to cede the land where they had just sowed eds.


abrogate [''æbrəgeɪt] v. 廢除;取消

abrogate 廢除 ←同首詞→ abnormal 不正常的

eg. The leader must be abnormal becau he wants tate the stitution.