Hospitality is the relationship betwee and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception aertai of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, ventions, attras, special events, and other rvices for travelers and tourists.
In the porary West, hospitality is rarely a matter of prote and survival, and is more associated with etiquette aertai. However, it still involves showing respect for one’s guests, providing for their needs, and treating them as equals. Cultures and subcultures vary ient to whie is expected to show hospitality ters, as oppod to personal friends or members of one’s in-group.
The hospitality rvidustry includes hotels, os, as, which offer fort and guidaers, but only as part of a business relationship. The terms hospital, hospice, and hostel also derive from “hospitality”, and the institutions prerve more of the otation of personal care.
Hospitality ethics is a disciplihat studies this usage of hospitality.
隱私權(right of privacy)是指自然人(natural person)享有的私人生活安寧與私人信息秘密依法受到保護,不被他人非法侵擾(illegal intrusion)、知悉、收集、利用和公開(publicity)的一種人格權(right of personality),而且權利主體(subject ht)對他人在何種程度上可以介入自己的私生活(private life),對自己是否向他人公開隱私(personal privacy)以及公開的範圍和程度等具有決定權。隱私權的特征有:隱私權的主體隻能是自然人,隱私權的內容具有真實性(authenticity)和隱秘性,隱私權的保護範圍受公共利益(publiterest)的限製。
Hospitality is the relationship betwee and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception aertai of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, ventions, attras, special events, and other rvices for travelers and tourists.
In the porary West, hospitality is rarely a matter of prote and survival, and is more associated with etiquette aertai. However, it still involves showing respect for one’s guests, providing for their needs, and treating them as equals. Cultures and subcultures vary ient to whie is expected to show hospitality ters, as oppod to personal friends or members of one’s in-group.
The hospitality rvidustry includes hotels, os, as, which offer fort and guidaers, but only as part of a business relationship. The terms hospital, hospice, and hostel also derive from “hospitality”, and the institutions prerve more of the otation of personal care.
Hospitality ethics is a disciplihat studies this usage of hospitality.