Divorce 關於離婚(2 / 3)

(5)Untested divorce 協議離婚

It is estimated that upwards of 95% of divorces in the U.S. are “untested”, becau the two parties are able to e to an agreemeher with or without lawyersbrmediatorsbrcollaborative l) about the property, children, and support issues. It is estimated that upwards of 95% of divorces in the U.S. are “untested”, becau the two parties are able to e to an agreemeher with or without lawyersbrmediatorsbrcollaborative l) about the property, children, and support issues.

絕大多數離婚者離婚後,心情總是很沮喪,情緒低沉、傷感,這無關性別,他們表現出憤恨、不滿、自卑、看破紅塵等各種各樣的消極心理。同時,麵對周圍人的非議和白眼,他們會感到孤獨、無奈和憤憤不平。 對於心思細密、敏感多慮的女性來說,這種挫敗感給心理健康造成的傷害更甚。這時候的心理調試非常重要,常有的調試方法有:移情方法,改變環境,感情支撐和心理谘詢。

Key words & Sentences


Acc to a udy, divorce is catg.


The rearchers have called it “divorce clustering” and say that a split up between immediate friends increas your own ces of getting divorced by 75%.


The effect drops to 33% if the divorce is between friends of a friend, what the rearchers call two degrees of paration, and then disappears almost pletely at three degrees of paration.


It is not only the marital status of friends but also siblings and colleagues which has a signifit effe how long your own marriage might last.


Breaking up will catong your friends, and the more divorces you know, the higher your own ces of being one.


Divorce, iand business nous has helped a growing number of women to beillionaires, who have incread at five times the rate of wealthy men.


Wealth ud to be a man’s world, but the gap between the xes is narrowing when it es to money, a new report shows.


Female millionaires has been rising on the back of social trends—such as iand the rapidly climbing divorce rate—and they now make up nearly half of all millionaires in the UK.