Ethical Shopping 道德購物(1 / 3)

Do you have to be well off then to be ahical shopper?

It really depends. You don’t have to be rich to be ahical shopper. One way of thinking about ethical shopping is thinking about buying less. Sometimes we buy an awful lot more than we need. We buy more items of clothing than we need. So being ahical shopper really means thinking a bit before you go and spend your money in the shops. Some things may cost a little bit more in the short-run, but be worth it in the long-run. If you are paying for quality, something will last you longer and then save you money. And sometimes you buy things d hand. There are a lot of charity shops on the high street to buy, good clothes. Sometimes you look a lot better than someone who’s just bought off the high street becau you have quite a unique look, and the quality that you find in most d hand shops is really very good the days. So it’s about thinking before you shop.

如何能夠成為一名道德購物者?購物時可思考以下五點:減少消費(e less)。減少對新物品的購買、實用和丟棄;參加政治活動(get campaigning)。參加遊行或者政治活動;購買本地商品(locally shopping)。購買本地商品可以減少汽車的使用並能夠支持當地的產品和廠商;道德消費(ethical money)。你不僅應當關注如何花錢,還應當關注把錢存放在哪裏,銀行、投資還是儲蓄?我們可以將錢由銀行儲蓄轉移到道德投資基金中;循環利用和使用二手貨(recyg and using d-handed)。減少新產品的購買,循環利用舊產品可以有效節約資源並減少垃圾填埋場的壓力。

Do you have to be well off then to be ahical shopper?

It really depends. You don’t have to be rich to be ahical shopper. One way of thinking about ethical shopping is thinking about buying less. Sometimes we buy an awful lot more than we need. We buy more items of clothing than we need. So being ahical shopper really means thinking a bit before you go and spend your money in the shops. Some things may cost a little bit more in the short-run, but be worth it in the long-run. If you are paying for quality, something will last you longer and then save you money. And sometimes you buy things d hand. There are a lot of charity shops on the high street to buy, good clothes. Sometimes you look a lot better than someone who’s just bought off the high street becau you have quite a unique look, and the quality that you find in most d hand shops is really very good the days. So it’s about thinking before you shop.