Charm of SPA 水療的魅力(1 / 3)

One such overlap pertains to spas. Acc to the Iional SPA Association (ISPA), hydrotherapy has long been a staple in European spas. It is the generic term for water therapies usis, uer massage and mineral baths (e.g. balherapy, Iodine-Griherapy, Kneipp treatments, Scotch ho, Swiss shower, thalasso therapy) and others. It also mean a whirlpool bath, hot Roman bath, hot tub, Jacuzzi, cold plunge and mineral bath. The treatments u physical water properties, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purpos, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain dias.

SPA水療(hydrotherapy)排毒(elimination of toxit)通常與之後的香薰按摩(aromatherapy massage)一同進行。一整套的SPA水療排毒過程一般是在沐浴、去角質(defoliator)、敷泥之後,利用高科技水療儀的冷暖沐浴水柱為躺在水療床上的客人做身體衝射,刺激身體細胞(cell)使其呈現活躍狀態,再配合手法專業的推拿按摩(nephropathy),保持細胞良好狀態,加速代謝和循環,達到排毒、耗脂、減肥(loo weight)的目的。最適合體內循環(intracorporeal circulation)不暢、易水腫(edema)的人士。根據統計,許多女性不愛運動,但又希望擁有健康而漂亮的外表與內在。這些怕懶又愛美的女性,藉由SPA的機器或是手法按摩,進而達到“淋巴引流排毒”(eliminating poison through lymph drainage from the whole body)的作用,是相當不錯的一個好選擇。

One such overlap pertains to spas. Acc to the Iional SPA Association (ISPA), hydrotherapy has long been a staple in European spas. It is the generic term for water therapies usis, uer massage and mineral baths (e.g. balherapy, Iodine-Griherapy, Kneipp treatments, Scotch ho, Swiss shower, thalasso therapy) and others. It also mean a whirlpool bath, hot Roman bath, hot tub, Jacuzzi, cold plunge and mineral bath. The treatments u physical water properties, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purpos, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain dias.

SPA水療(hydrotherapy)排毒(elimination of toxit)通常與之後的香薰按摩(aromatherapy massage)一同進行。一整套的SPA水療排毒過程一般是在沐浴、去角質(defoliator)、敷泥之後,利用高科技水療儀的冷暖沐浴水柱為躺在水療床上的客人做身體衝射,刺激身體細胞(cell)使其呈現活躍狀態,再配合手法專業的推拿按摩(nephropathy),保持細胞良好狀態,加速代謝和循環,達到排毒、耗脂、減肥(loo weight)的目的。最適合體內循環(intracorporeal circulation)不暢、易水腫(edema)的人士。根據統計,許多女性不愛運動,但又希望擁有健康而漂亮的外表與內在。這些怕懶又愛美的女性,藉由SPA的機器或是手法按摩,進而達到“淋巴引流排毒”(eliminating poison through lymph drainage from the whole body)的作用,是相當不錯的一個好選擇。