Individuals borhe Sun is in this sign are sidered Scorpio individuals and are extremely powerful. Uhe tropical zodiac, the Suers Scorpio on October 23 as on November 22. Uhe sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from November 16 through December 15. However, since Vedic Astrology employs the Sidereal Zodiac, rather tharopical Zodiac, their “Scorpio” actually corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius in the West; quently, Scorpios born in the West would be sidered “Libras” in the Vedic system.
2 十二星座適合的不同顏色的表達方式
Aries: black, e, red 白羊座:黑色、橙色、紅色
Taurus: beige 金牛座:米色
Gemini: blue, green 雙子座:藍色、綠色
cer: green, e, white, yellow
Leo: beige, e, purple, red, yellow
Virgo: beige 處女座:米色
Libra: blue 天秤座:藍色
Scorpio: black, red 天蠍座:黑色、紅色
Sagittarius: e, red 射手座:橙色、紅色
Capri: beige, green 摩羯座:米色、綠色
Aquarius: blue, green, e, purple, yellow
Pisces: purple, white 雙魚座:紫色、白色
Individuals borhe Sun is in this sign are sidered Scorpio individuals and are extremely powerful. Uhe tropical zodiac, the Suers Scorpio on October 23 as on November 22. Uhe sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from November 16 through December 15. However, since Vedic Astrology employs the Sidereal Zodiac, rather tharopical Zodiac, their “Scorpio” actually corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius in the West; quently, Scorpios born in the West would be sidered “Libras” in the Vedic system.
2 十二星座適合的不同顏色的表達方式
Aries: black, e, red 白羊座:黑色、橙色、紅色
Taurus: beige 金牛座:米色
Gemini: blue, green 雙子座:藍色、綠色
cer: green, e, white, yellow
Leo: beige, e, purple, red, yellow
Virgo: beige 處女座:米色
Libra: blue 天秤座:藍色
Scorpio: black, red 天蠍座:黑色、紅色
Sagittarius: e, red 射手座:橙色、紅色
Capri: beige, green 摩羯座:米色、綠色
Aquarius: blue, green, e, purple, yellow
Pisces: purple, white 雙魚座:紫色、白色
Key words & Sentences
Aries: Remember that the world doesn’t revolve around you. Aries often think about themlves first, after all, they rule the first hou of “lf”. Be sure to find out what your sweetie wants, too.