Super Online Banking System 超級網銀(2 / 3)

Another way to provide TANs to an online banking ur is to nd the TAN of the current bank transa to the ur’s (GSM) mobile phone via SMS. The SMS text usually quotes the transaount aails, the TAN is only valid for a short period of time. Especially in Germany and Austria, many banks have adopted this “SMS TAN” rvice as it is sidered very cure.

(3) Signature bad online banking where all transas are signed and encrypted digitally. The Keys for the signature geion and encryption be stored on smartcards or any memory medium, depending on the crete implementation.

超級網銀(Super-I-Bank)具有:統一身份驗證(authentication forms)、跨行賬戶管理(inter-bank at ma)、跨行資金彙劃(inter-bank fuand transfer)、跨行資金歸集(inter-bank ttling ats of fund)、統一直聯平台、統一財務管理(financial ma)流程、統一數據格式等七種產品特色。使用傳統網銀(traditional online bank),想知道自己在各家銀行賬戶的情況如何,需進行多次登陸(log on)、查詢操作。而Super-Bank通過統一的操作界麵,查詢管理多家商業銀行開立的結算賬戶資金餘額(balance)和交易明細(transa details),一個工行U盾就能完成所有銀行的網銀登陸。使用Super-Bank,可直接向各家銀行發送交易指令並完成彙款(remittance)操作。Super-Bank還有強大的資金歸集功能,可在母公司結算賬戶與子公司的結算賬戶之間建立上劃下撥關係。

Key words & Sentences


In the last report it stated that online banking system o operate the way authorities exped u a business model which establishes itlf as a world standard and that merge with aing banking industry.


GDT has been monit the online banking system at arms length for veral years and also learning the hard way with los in virtually all of the clod payment rvices including loss in the current running e-currencies due to their lack of internal curity (which, is currently under iigation).


There is an important role for the online banking system to play in providing aing platform to the I world that the banking world and will only dream about.


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