The single largest eveuring cosplay is the miannual doujinshi market, iket. This event, held in Japan during summer and winter, attracts hundreds of thousands of manga fans. Thousands of cosplayers gregate on the roof of the exhibitioer. The largest event for cosplayers outside Asia is the annual San Diego i held in the California city in the USA.The biggest event in the UK is the MCM Expo events at excel london
Cosplayers in Japan refer to themlves as reiyā; pronounced “layer”. Tho who photograph players are called cameko, short for “Camera Kozō” or “Camera Boy”. inally the cameko give prints of their photos to players as gifts. Incread i in cosplay events both on the part of photographers and cosplayers willing to model for them have led to formalisation of procedures at events such as iket. Photography takes place within a designated area removed from the exhibit hall.
Cosplay為eplay的縮寫,即“角色扮演”,指的是通過穿上商業作品裏各種角色的服飾,扮演成作品中的角色,範圍包括動畫(cartoon)、漫畫(id animation)、電玩(video game)、視覺係樂團以及台灣獨有的布袋戲(glove puppet show)等等。任何一個參與cosplay的人,都是copsplayer。在國內,cosplayer被簡稱為cor。
Key words & Sentences
The single largest eveuring cosplay is the miannual doujinshi market, iket. This event, held in Japan during summer and winter, attracts hundreds of thousands of manga fans. Thousands of cosplayers gregate on the roof of the exhibitioer. The largest event for cosplayers outside Asia is the annual San Diego i held in the California city in the USA.The biggest event in the UK is the MCM Expo events at excel london
Cosplayers in Japan refer to themlves as reiyā; pronounced “layer”. Tho who photograph players are called cameko, short for “Camera Kozō” or “Camera Boy”. inally the cameko give prints of their photos to players as gifts. Incread i in cosplay events both on the part of photographers and cosplayers willing to model for them have led to formalisation of procedures at events such as iket. Photography takes place within a designated area removed from the exhibit hall.