Brain Gym 健腦俱樂部(2 / 3)

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Have you ever heard about brain gym?


The brain gym attract more and more attention in many tries, especially America, and are being popular.


The brain gym is a new way of brain strengthening.


The 63 year old Ameri writer Linda Hale Bu t up a new brain gym in his unity, which attracts many residents to join in.


What she joined in was the vibrant brain gym.


From December, 2007, the brain gym has attracted about 200 members. Paying for 60 dollars per month, the members could u the facilities that are pod by 20 puter work stations.


Apart from the basic ition training, the braih care also includes the items like spiritual health asssment and relaxation exercis.


The emergierpri Sparks of Genius in Florida provides “stific brain exerent” towards the old people.

佛羅裏達州的新興企業Sparks of Genius公司麵向老年人提供“科學的健腦運動”。

In southern California, more than ten body-building clubs are bining traditional body-building items with brain exerci that sitting in front of puters, and claim that it is most effective to do brain exerci after body building.


The braih care is established on the basis of a relatively new stifiding: the plasticity of brain.


It is discovered in a ret rear 487 old people aging above 65 that tho who took the 40—hours training by brain-exerg software within the past eight weeks has obvious improvement in memory and attentiveness.


Although many brain exerg ter are catering to the baby boom geion, their parents also join in.