Climate ge s, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing gover support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, iives and ercialization. New gover spending, regulation and policies helped the industry weather the global financial crisis better than many other ctors. Stists have advanced a plan to power 100% of the world’s energy with wind, hydroelectrid solar power by the year 2030, reending renewable energy subsidies and a pri carbon refleg its cost for flood aed expens.
While many renewable energy projects are large-scale, renewable teologies are also suited to rural ae areas, where energy is often crucial in human development. Globally, aimated 3 million houholds get power from small solar PV systems. Micro-hydro systems figured into village-scale or ty-scale mini-grids rve many areas. More than 30 million rural houholds get lighting and cooking from biogas made in houhold-scale digesters. Biomass cook stoves are ud by 160 million houholds.
未來能源(future energy)的各種形式都是直接或者間接地來自於太陽或地球內部深處所產生的熱能(thermal energy)。包括了太陽能(solar energy)、風能、生物質能(biomass energy)、地熱能(geothermal energy)、核聚變能(nuclear fusion energy)、水能(hydro energy)和海洋能(o energy)以及由可再生能源衍生出來的生物燃料(biofuel)和氫所產生的能量。也可以說,未來能源包括各種可再生能源(renewable energy)和核能(nuclear power)。相對於傳統能源,未來能源普遍具有汙染少、儲量(rerve volume)大的特點,對於解決當今世界嚴重的環境汙染問題和資源(特別是化石能源fossil energy)枯竭問題具有重要意義。同時,由於很多未來能源分布均勻,對於解決由能源引發的戰爭也有著重要意義。