For example, a redu in anic carbon and nutrients, including phosphorus or nitrogen, as may occur in intensively farmed areas, de creas the fertility of soils.
The methods involve soil fertility ma as well as reduced tillage.
To cherish and give a rational u to the land as well as to give a true prote to the cultivated land are en as a basic principle of land u in the try.
Sihe start of the development of green food, 1.13 millioares of land have been well protected.
Peasants who have tracted land for operation are obliged to u the land rationally acc to the purpos agreed upon in the tracts.
General planning of land u is a tactical ohat is about developing, using, g, reclamation and prote ional land resource.
In order to build a suitable soil circumstah fertility maintaining or even improving, principles of rational fertilization, bining aniure with NPK fertilizers and sideration of land utilization, maintenand prote should be taken.