第111章 打疫苗2
到了醫院後楚翼洌馬上辦理了問診的手續,然後讓艾幽藍跟夜熙歆拉著明聖清直接問醫生:“The doctor,i”m the friend not be the cat bit,i need to vaccinate?(醫生,我這個朋友不小心被貓咬了,請問需要打疫苗嗎?)“
醫生撫了撫鼻梁上的眼鏡,說:“What is the family a cat?(請問是家貓嗎?)”
醫生笑著說:“Once bitten by the dog,cat,it is important to rescue worksite.Every dog,cat,dog bites,cats or dogs,cats,the normal(according to document has quite a lot of reports,part of the normal dogs,cats,saliva contains hydrophobic virus),don”t hurry go to a hospital for medical doctor,but should immediately,on-site,thoroughly flushed the wound.If there is no water,can even employing urine,then again wash instead of trying to find water. Rinse wound is faster.Working with the fastest speed,the wound of the rabies virus washed away.For a long time,the virus will enter human body tissue,along the central nervous system,neural infringement centralis.2 is thoroughly.Due to the dog and cat bite wounds often KouXiao deep inside,outside,this requires washing,try to expand the wound,the exposed,and strength,and soft tissue around the wound extrusion rinse water flow to rush to tap water is best to tap water flushing rush.Wound shall not be bound up.Apart from wound,and blood vessels,generally does not need to stop any drugs,also do not wrap,because the rabies virus is lack of anaerobic,oxygen,under the situation of rabies virus will grow. After the wound is rinsed repeatedly,and then sent to hospital for further cuts in irrigation(to the hospital to serious wounds,then rinse)should be vaccinated against rabies vaccine.Here are special to 10 million,cannot be bitten by the dog,cat,wound not to make any treatment,doubly wrong is not only wash,but GongYaoShui besmear on gauze more harmful to avoid long distances,QiuZhi big hospitals,but should immediately,on-site,thoroughly flushed wound,within 24 hours of vaccine of inject.(一旦被狗貓咬傷,重要的是做好現場救護工作。凡是狗貓咬傷,不管是瘋狗病貓還是正常的狗貓(據文獻報告,有相當多的一部分正常的狗貓的唾液中帶有狂犬病毒),千萬不要急著去醫院找醫生診治,而是應該立即就地徹底衝洗傷口。萬一找不到水源,甚至可以用人尿代替清水衝洗,隨後再設法找水源。