“Good!The first question:what animal eats with its tail?(好了!第一個問題:什麼動物用尾巴吃東西?)”
艾幽藍跟明聖清想了想,同時寫上:All the ones that have a tail.主持人掃過去,看到了最佳的答案,拍手叫好:“Good!The participants guessed right!Now,please.(不錯!這對參賽者猜對了!那麼,現在請你們出題。)”
艾幽藍點點頭,想了想說:“Sister,wearing beautiful long orange flower clothes.Seven stars,black over love eats aphids belly bowel.Two little garden,buzzing sing most busy busy.Carry pollen baskets full back,ErLang feed food.Three elder sister in yellow clothes,fine waist son to long legs.Fly field catch insects,tail needle plug spear.Please hit three issues.(大姐長的真漂亮,身穿桔紅花衣裳。七顆黑星上麵鑲,愛吃蚜蟲飽肚腸。二妹最愛嗡嗡唱,百花園裏忙又忙。後腿攜帶花粉筐,裝滿食品喂兒郎。三姐身披黃衣裳,腰兒細來腿兒長。飛到田間捉害蟲,尾巴毒針塞刀槍。請打三種益蟲。)”