第8章 高一的堅持(1 / 3)




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Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the ollowing passage.

Team bulig exrcie have become popular for managers trying to inerease oganistiona! and teamhar moy and proctivty. Unfrunarl many cmpoecs ree compuksory bondig and often regardthese exercises as a nuisance.

Apaper pubished this weck by Universty of Sydney receacher in Scial Nenworks has reportedpatcipats tci about tcam bulding intenenion (f). rveling ethial ipiciations in fringemployees to take part.

\\\"Many people sce team bildig atviti as a waste of time. so we deided to look in more depthatwhat\\u0027s behind this,\\\" said the paper\\u0027s lead researcher, Dr Peter Matous.

\\\"Teams are formed, combined and rstruturer Staff are relocated and offie spaces redesigned. Allthis is done with the aim of improving workplace efifice claboratio and cohesion. But does any ofthis work?\\\" said Dr Matous.

The study found that team- building exerciscs which focused on the sharing of and intervening intopersonal atutes and relationships between team members were considered too heavy-handed andintrusive, although the rescarchers say some degree of openness and vulnerability is often necessary tomake deep, fective connections with colleagues.

\\\"Some participants were against team-building exercises because they were implicitly compulsory.They didn\\u0027t welcome management\\u0027s interest in their lives beyond their direct work performance,\\\" saidMatous. \\\"Many people don\\u0027t want to be forced into having fun or making friends, especially not on top oftheir busy jobs. They feel management is being too nosy or trying to control their lives too much. \\\"