infantry\/nfntr/ n. 步兵
interoperability\/ntrprblt/ n. 協同作戰能力
military personnel軍事人員
service\/svs/ n. 軍種,服役
staff college 參謀學院
academic\/kdemk/ n. a person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background 學者
accomplish\/kmpl/ vt. succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard 完成
affinity\/fnt/ n. strongly liking somebody; a close relationship between two things 喜愛(某人),密切關係
appreciation\/priien/ n. understanding and enjoyment正確評價,欣賞
approach\/prt/ vt. deal with a problem in a particular way; move towards or nearer to someone 處理;接近
arena\/rin/ n. place or scene of activity or conflict 競技場,舞台
asset\/set/ n. a valuable quality or skill; the things a company owns and can be sold to pay debts 有用的東西,資產
bias\/bas/ n. prejudice; the opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group 偏見,偏愛
competency\/kmptnsi/ n. the ability to do something well 能力
deputy\/depjuti/ n. someone who is directly below another person in rank; someone who is officially in charge when another person is not there 副手,代理人
dramatically\/drmtkli/ adv. noticeably 顯著地
engaging\/ned/ adj. pleasant and attracting ones interest 迷人的,可愛的
established \/IstblIt\/ adj. already in use or existing for a long period of time 已建立的
globalized\/lublazd/ adj. covering or affecting the whole world; worldwide 全球化的
increasingly\/nkrisli/ adv. more and more all the time 日益
inherent\/nhrnt/ adj. existing as an essential constituent or characteristic 與生俱來的,固有的
interpret\/ntprt/ v. explain the meaning of something; to translate spoken words from one language into another 解釋,口譯
lifelong\/lafl/ adj. continuing or existing all through ones life 終身的
multicultural\/mltikltrl/ adj. involving people or ideas from many different countries or races 多元文化的
overall\/uvrl/ adv. on the whole; generally 總的說來,大體上
perspective\/pspektv/ n. a way of thinking about something觀點
proficiency\/prfnsi/ n. a good standard of ability and skill 精通,熟練程度
solely\/sulli/ adv. alone; only 獨自地,單獨地
summit\/smt/ n. an important meeting or set of meetings between the leaders of several governments 峰會
translate \/trnsleIt\/ v. mean the same as something else; change written or spoken words into another language 解釋,翻譯
underscore\/ndsk(r)/ vt. emphasize the fact that something is important or true 強調
vital\/vatl/ adj. extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist 至關重要的
1. at handclose by;near 在手頭,在附近
2. at stakebeing risked, depending on the outcome of an event 冒風險
3. break throughbreak an enemys defense 突圍
4. engage withbegin to fight with與……交戰
5. from scratchstart from ground zero; start again from the beginning 從頭做起,從零開始
6. immerse ininvolve oneself deeply(in something);absorb oneself 沉浸,使陷於
7. prior tobefore something 先於,在……之前
8. put inspend the time or effort doing sth. 投入
Anthony\/ntni/ Zinni\/zni/ 安東尼·津尼(美國海軍陸戰隊退役四星上將,前中央司令部司令)
Caribbean\/krIbin\/ 加勒比海
Douglas\/dls/ Fraser\/frez/ 道格拉斯·弗雷澤(美空軍上將,曾任美國南方司令部司令)
Guatemala\/wtml/ 危地馬拉(中美洲國家)
Israeli\/zrel/ someone from Israel 以色列人
Kurdish \/kdI\/ 庫爾德人的
Lt. Gen. Keen\/kin/ 基恩中將(曾任美國南方司令部副司令)
Palestinian\/plstnn/ someone from Palestine 巴勒斯坦人
Peru\/pru/ 秘魯(南美洲國家)
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the text.
1. What is the main topic of the Language and Culture: A Strategic Imperative Summit?
2. Who is Samuel Kleinman and which issue did he address in his opening remarks?
3. Why did the keynote speaker, Gen. Anthony Zinni think that language skills and cultural awareness were vital to accomplishing the task at hand?
4. In Nancy Weavers opinion, why is it necessary to emphasize foreign language learning in U.S. military schools?
5. What did Gen. Douglas Fraser, the commander of the U.S. Southern Command, mainly talk about in the summit?
Section B
Directions: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. The U.S. Department of Defense considers the language skill, regional expertise, and cultural capabilities essential to mission readiness.
2. Gen. Anthony Zinni thinks that his experiences of living and working alongside his Vietnamese counterparts enabled him to understand the Vietnam War not only from a U.S. perspective but also from the Vietnameses point of view.
3. Nancy Weaver holds that promoting language learning throughout the services still has a long way to go.
4. Gen. Douglas Fraser has benefited a lot from his experience of growing up in the Latin America.
5. The ability to communicate and to understand a culture means someone is literally able to understand what his counterparts are saying.
6. For the military, the foreign area officers are extremely important since they are experts in local knowledge.
7. The only challenge in implementing the capabilities for cultural awareness when dealing with full spectrum operations is our bias and our perspective.
8. Because our world will continue to get smaller in the Information Age, we can understand each other just by means of words or computer translation programs.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Make changes where necessary.
1. He finds the naivety(純真), frankness and large appealing eyes of the young officer very .
2. Peace is not a matter of military or technical problems. It needs the cooperation of the whole world.
3. “Like air, sea, land and space, were going to have to treat cyberspace(網絡空間) as an where we need to defend our networks and be able to operate freely,” he explained.
4. If one looks down from outer space on the earth, he will find a couple of handfuls of countries that are generally looking the same and have freer political systems and freer economic systems. So theres a natural between our country and your country and our European allies.
5. To ensure integration and to build up mutual confidence, General Marshall felt it essential that, at that time, his should be from the Air Corps.
6. The new Indonesian(印度尼西亞) government has adopted multiethnic(多種族) and policies, so that the Chinese have melted(逐漸融入) into the local social main stream gradually and their relationship has been getting better.
7. The Taliban shouldnt the drawdown(裁減) announcement as meaning all U.S. troops are leaving Afghanistan in the summer, the secretary said.
8. DoD is committed to(致力於) offering comprehensive, learning opportunities for service members, and the new policy will ensure a viable program is in place to assist them in realizing those opportunities.
9. The entry level wage for caregivers at military centers is nearly 8 an hour and increases to 10 after core training at the DoD Child Care Center.
10. “The United States has long been and will remain a Pacific power, and a critical provider of peace, prosperity and security in this region,” Biden told the cadets.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text with the help of the Chinese given in the brackets.
1. The staff will the general to make him change his plan because the weather is not suitable for the campaign.(設法說服)
2. With U.S. credibility and, ultimately, national security , now is the time to join the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention(《聯合國海洋法公約》), military leaders told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee(參議院外交委員會) today.(冒風險)
3. Now they are trying to study how to actively the ASEAN(東盟) without affecting at the same time their focus on the followup(後續情況) to the Doha meeting.(接觸,來往)
4. When highways became mine fields and uncertainty waited behind every corner, service members rose to meet the task with unmatched courage and determination.(在手頭)
5. DTRA(國防威脅降低局) technologies and expertise enhance U.S. capabilities across the spectrum of the counterproliferation(反擴散) and force protection missions.(把……應用於)
6. In a matter of months, they can produce a quantity of biological poison equal to the entire amount that Iraq claimed to have produced in the years the Gulf War(海灣戰爭).(在……之前)
7. This is a time of transition for the U.S. military and part of that change requires service members to themselves the study of their profession.(沉浸,使陷於)
8. Manning an observation point at the combat outpost(前哨), the 23yearold infantryman saw the speeding truck the bases protective barriers.(突破)
Ⅲ. Reading Practice
Directions: The passage below is followed by 5 multiplechoice questions. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer.
A senior U.S. defense official suggested before Congress yesterday that a lack of foreign language capabilities in the federal government could potentially pose a national security risk.
“Let me begin by stating that Defense Secretary(國防部長) [Leon E.] Panetta has long believed that having a strong language ability is critical to national security,” Laura Junor, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness(負責戰備的副助理部長), said in testimony(證詞) before a Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee(參議院國土安全和政府事務委員會). “Were committed to fielding(形成) the most capable force that we can deploy.”