Full he Kingdom of Cam bodia. Cambodia is a try located in the Indoa Peninsula in Southeast Asia.It borders Viet Nam, Thailand and Laos.The stone carving of Angkor Wat tells the history of former empires and the life of ordinary people; the wall carvings of Banteay Srei sing Hinduist epics. The Me kong River, Bassac River and Tonle Sap River co
nverge in the capital city Phnom Penh, alongside which the lake Tonle Sap nourishes cities around.
Khmer fist is a traditional Cambo dian sport. Popular sports in Cambodia also include basketball, football, billiards, etc.
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat was built ih tury. It is an outstanding example of Cambodia’s art stone architeture and stone carvings.
Bayon Temple
The Bayon Temple is a Khmer Buddhist temple in
the Angkion in Cambodia. Its most distinctive feature is the multitude of serene and smiling stone faces associated with Buddha on the many towers, symbolizing the strength of the Khmer Kingdom.