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15 A year\\u0027s plan starts with snrina 一年之計在於春.

27. Custom makes all things easy.“有個好習慣,事事皆不難。”

28. Rumors stop with the wise.“流言止於智者。”

29. One flower makes no garland.“獨木不成林。”

30. Work hardplay hard.“努力工作,盡情娛樂。”

31. Fortune favors the bold.“不入虎穴焉得虎子。”

32. No trustno friendship.“沒有信任何談友誼。”

33. There is no time like the present.“時不我待。”

34. Facts speak louder than words.“事實勝於雄辯。”

35. Many hands make light work.“眾人拾柴火焰高。”

36. Develop a passion for learning.“要培養求知欲。”

37. Faith will move mountains.“精誠所至金石為開。”

38. Leap, and the net will appear.“車到山前必有路。”

39. Lies will collapse by themselves.“謊言不攻自破。”

40. what is not wisdom is danger.“不明智即是危險。”

41. A friend in need is a friend indeed.“患難見真情。”

42. Good medicine tastes bitter“良藥苦口\/忠言逆耳。”

43. No pressure, no diamonds.“天將與之,必先苦之。”

44. Dream big and dare to fail“銳意進取,無懼挫折。”

45. Passion begets persistence.“唯有熱愛,方能堅持。”

46. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.“積極。真摯。友善。”

47. He who wants nothing fears nothing.“無欲則剛。”

48. Qpportunity knocks but once.“機不可失時不再來。”

49. Your only limit is your mind“唯思想是人類的局限。”

50. Failure is the mother of success.“失敗乃成功之母。”

51. God helps those who help themselves.“天道酬勤。”

52. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.“天無絕人之路。”

53. Every minute\/moment counts.“爭分奪秒\/分秒必爭。”

54. Slow but steady wins the race.“穩紮穩打\/厚積薄發。”

55. Save your tears for the pllow.獨自麵對,默默承受。”