•glow with pride由於自豪而容光煥發
•come to grief失敗,遭受不幸
•bring sb. to grief使某人遭受失敗(或不幸)
•off (one\\u0027s) guard 沒有提防地
•on (one\\u0027s) guard 警惕,提防;站崗,值班
•be immune to the disease 對該病有免疫力
•be immune from taxation免除捐稅
•inform sb.of sth.把某事告知某人
•inform against\/on sb.告發、檢舉某人
•keep...informed 隨時向……報告情況
•the inner feelings內心的感情
•the inner life 精神生活
•what is more 更重要的,更有甚者,而且
•work at \/on 從事於,致為
•work off 消除,去除
•work out 算出:製訂出(計劃等);秀修
•work up 激發,激起;逐漸發展,努力改進
•write down寫下,記下
•out of context 脫離上下文
•in the contest of 在……背景下
•defend...against\/from 保護……免遭
•a blood donation 獻血
•make \/give a donation 捐贈
•the drift of opinion 奧論的傾向
•catch the drift of an argument 抓住爭論的要點
•on edge 緊張;急切
•interfere in sb. \\u0027s private affairs幹涉某人的私事
•lag behind 落後
•wind up上發條:結束、停正
•jet lag 飛行時差綜合征,時差反應
•by tradition 按照傳統
•true to tradition名不虛傳地
•observe sb.do sth.觀察到某人做某事
•observe sb. doing sth.觀察到某人在做某事
•pattern oneself after 模仿(某人的)樣子
•penalty kick(足球)罰點球
•penalty area 罰球區
•pension sb. off使某人退休並發放養老金
•draw a pension 領養老金
•win popularity 得人心
•lose popularity 失人心
•on the edge of 處於……的邊緣
•encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事
•discourage sb. from doing sth.勸阻某人做某事
•at fault 有責任,出毛病
•find fault with抱怨,挑剔
•merits and faults 優缺點
•on file存檔
•in file 依次,魚貫地
•file in魚貫而入
•file out 魚貫而出