•confer with sb. on\/ about sth. 就某事與某人協商
•cold closet 冷藏室
•water closet廁所(略W.C.)
•engine clutch發動機離合器
•in sb, ’s clutches 在某人的掌控中
•clutch at sth.突然抓住某物
•be detached from 脫離
•be attached to 附屬於;依戀於
•differentiate between...and...區別對待
•stand on one\\u0027s dignity保持自己的尊嚴
•beneath one\\u0027s dignity不合身份;有失尊嚴
•discriminate against 歧視,區別對待
•discriminate between...and 區別…·…與··…··
•make a mock of sb.(sth.)嘲弄某人
•mock up(照原尺寸)模仿,仿製
•monopoly bureau 專賣局
•monopoly right 專賣權
•monopoly of sales 銷售專賣
•in mortgage 在抵押中
•send by dispatch 把(某物)作快件發送
•with dispatch 迅速地,盡快地
•take drastic measures 采取果斷措施\/激烈手段
•a drastic debate 激烈的辯論
•make drastic change 做徹底的改變
•escort sb護送某人回來
•under the escort of 在……護送下
•live in exile 過流亡生活
•exile sb to sth.追使某人流亡國外
•flare ont 突然發怒
•flare up 突然加劇惡化;突然發怒
•flatter sb. on\/about sth.奉承某人的……
•flatter oneself自以為是,自鳴得意
•a batch of一批(組、群)
•batch prodaction 批量生產
•fall into a flutter 陷於極度緊張
•in a flutter 心情煩躁,心緒不寧
•foster father\/mother 養父\/養母
•foster son\/daughter 養子\/養女
•gasp at 對……大吃一驚
•inject...into sb.把……注射給某人
•inject sb. with...給某人注射……
•contend for爭奪,競爭
•confend with必須處理,不得不應付
•couch potato整天無所事事躺著或坐在沙發上看電視的人;極為懶惰的人
•couch in表達;用……措辭
•from the cradle to the grave從生到死;一生
• in the cradle 在嬰兒時期