第七天的量(1 / 1)

1. ambiguous - 含糊不清的,模棱兩可的

2. coincide - 一致,同時發生

3. discrepancy - 差異,不一致

4. eradicate - 根除,消滅

5. alleviate - 緩解,減輕

6. feasible - 可行的,可實施的

7. hinder - 阻礙,妨礙

8. mitigate - 緩和,減輕

9. rejuvenate - 使恢複活力,使年輕

10. thrive - 興旺發達,蓬勃發展


1. 請用\\\"ambiguous\\\"這個詞造一個句子。

答案:The politician\\u0027s statement was deliberately ambiguous, leaving room for interpretation and avoiding a direct answer.

2. 解釋一下\\\"coincide\\\"這個詞的意思。

答案:Coincide means to occur at the same time or to be in agreement or harmony.

3. 請列舉出幾個與\\\"discrepancy\\\"相關的同義詞。

答案:difference, inconsistency, disparity, variance

4. 請用\\\"eradicate\\\"造一個反義詞句子。

答案:Efforts to eradicate poverty have been largely unsuccessful, and the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen.

5. 解釋一下\\\"alleviate\\\"這個詞的意思。

答案:Alleviate means to make something less severe or intense, to relieve or ease.

6. 請用\\\"feasible\\\"這個詞造一個句子。

答案:After careful consideration, the team concluded that it was not feasible to implement the proposed project due to budget constraints.

7. 解釋一下\\\"hinder\\\"這個詞的意思。

答案:Hinder means to create difficulties or obstacles, to delay or prevent progress or achievement.

8. 請列舉出幾個與\\\"mitigate\\\"相關的同義詞。

答案:alleviate, alleviate, lessen, reduce

9. 請用\\\"rejuvenate\\\"造一個反義詞句子。

答案:The spa retreat offered a range of treatments to rejuvenate the body and mind, leaving guests feeling refreshed and revitalized.

10. 解釋一下\\\"thrive\\\"這個詞的意思。

答案:Thrive means to prosper, to grow vigorously or flourish, to be successful or make steady progress.