[35]Robert D.Blackwill,“The Quality and Durability of the US‐India Relationship”,Remarks Delivered in Calcutta,27 November 2002.
[36]U.S.Embassy in India,“People,Progress and Partnership:the Trans formation of US‐India Relations”,September 2004.in http://newdelhi.usembassy.gov/wwwhppp.html
[37]“India and the United States:Meeting the Challenge of the 21 st Century Together”,Remarks by Yash want Sinha,Indian Minister for External Affairs,Brookings Institution,Washington,D.C.,September 10,2002.
[38]“民主和平論”的中心觀點是民主國家之間很少(或從不)發生戰爭。關於“民主和平論”,可參閱,Michael Doyle,Kant,Liberal Legacies,and Foreign Affairs,in Philosophy and Public Affairs,Vol.12,No.3,Summer 1983;Bruce Russett,Grasping the Democratic Peace:Principles for a Post‐Cold War World,Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1993;Meev Maoz and Bruce Russett,Normative and Structural Causes of Democratic Peace,1946—1986,in American Political Science Review,No.87,September 1993).國內對“民主和平論”的評述,見王逸舟:“國際關係與國內體製———評‘民主和平論’”,《歐洲》1995年第6期。
[39]Kanti Bajpai,“Add Five‘E’s to Make a Partnership”,The Washington Quarterly,vol.24,no.3(Summer)2001,p.83.
[40]“India and the US:Towards a New Partnership”,Speech by Dr.Manmohan Singh,Prime Minister of India to the Council of Foreign Relations,New York,September 24,2004.
[41]“Jasw ant Nails Govt,Attacks America”,The Times of India,16 November 2004.
[42]The White House,“The National Security Strategy of the United States of America”,September 2002.
[43]K Alan Kronstadt,“India‐U.S.Relations”,CRS(Congressional Research Service)Issue Brief for Congress,updated 4 November 2004
[44]Teresita C.Schaffer,“Rising India and U.S.Policy Option in Asia”,A Report of the CSIS South Asia Program,January 2002.