It was four in the afternoon, just when traffic both of automobiles and pedestrians is at its height on the avenue.Of horse-drawn equipages they were so few as to be a novelty.

"I care so little for it that I am going back to-night," the detectiveresponded.

"Then you have found what you came looking for?""I told you the fishing was very poor," said the colonel with a smile."My friend Mr.Walton, were he alive now, would never forgive me for deserting the place I left to come here.When did you come up?""Last night.They insisted I had to put in an appearance at the office merely to take away the salary that's heen accumulating for me - said it cluttered up the place.So I obliged.Do you know how many automobiles pass this window every twenty-four hours?" Garrigan asked suddenly.

"I do not."

"Neither do I.It would be interesting to know, however.I think I shall count them, when I have nothing else to do.I understand there is a checking or tabulating machine made for such purposes.But perhaps I am keeping you from - ""You are merely keeping me from ordering another portion of liquid refreshment," interrupted the colonel with a smile."Boy!"And once again there was diffused the aroma of mint and the more pronounced odor of the Scotch.