"LeGrand! Oh, I'm so glad you came! What is it? Why did you send me a note to meet you in this lonely place? I'm so afraid!""Afraid? Lonely? Why, it's early evening, and this is a public park," the man answered in a low voice."I wanted you to come here as it's the best place for us to talk - where we can't be overheard.""But why are you so afraid of being overheard?""Oh, things are so mixed up - one can't be too careful.Minnie, we must settle our affairs.""Settle them?You mean - ?"

"I mean we can't go on this way.I must have you! I've waited long enough.You know I love you - that I've never loved any one else as I've loved you! I can't stand it any longer without you.I have asked you to marry me several times.Each time you have put it off for some reason or other.Now we must settle it.Are you going to marry me or not? No matter what your folks say about me and this Carwell affair.Do you - do you care for me?"The answer was so low and so muffled that the colonel was glad he could not hear it.

"Confound it all!" he murmured, "that's the worst of this business!Idon't mind anything but the love-making.I hate to break in on that!" There was an eloquent silence, and then LeGrand Blossom said: "I am very happy, Minnie.""And so am I.Now what shall we do?"

"Get married as soon as possible, of course.I've got to wind up matters here, and as soon as I can I may take up an offer that came from Boston.It's a very good one.Would you go there with me?""Yes, LeGrand.I'd go anywhere with you - you know that.""I'm glad I do, my dear.It may be necessary to go very soon, and - well, we won't stop to say good-bye, either.""Why! what do you mean " and the hidden detective knew that the girl had drawn away from the young man.