Didn't we sign out for the season before we closed with the show last fall?""Yes, yes; but where?" urged Phil, showing him the letter he had just brought from the post office."You couldn't guess if you tried.""No.Never was a good guesser.That letter from Mr.Sparling?" he questioned, as his eyes caught the familiar red and gold heading used by the owner of the show.


"What's he want?"

"You know I wrote to him asking that we be allowed to skip the rehearsals before the show starts out, so that we could stay here and take our school examinations?"Teddy nodded.

"I'd rather join the show," he grumbled.

"Never did see anything about school to go crazy over.""You'll thank me someday for keeping you at it," said Phil."See how well you have done this winter with your school work.I'm proud of you.Why, Teddy, there are lots of the boys a long way behind you.They can't say circus boys don't know anything just because they perform in a circus ring.""H-m-m-m!" mused Teddy."You haven't told me yet where we are going this summer.What's the route?""Mr.Sparling says that, as we are going to continue our last year's acts this season, there will be no necessity for rehearsals."The announcement did not appear to have filled Teddy Tucker withjoy.

"We do the flying rings again, then?"

"Yes.And we shall be able to give a performance that will surpriseMr.Sparling.Our winter's practicing has done a lot for us, as has our winter at school.""Oh, I don't know."