"It is proved," said Frith, "that no violence overtakes those subjected to this ordeal.And I have decided that we shall not be in danger, for this reason.We shall be armed as none of the dead were.Our precautions will preclude any possibility of foul play from a material assault.And, needless to say, we contemplate no other.We are free agents, and I should not quarrel with any among us who shirked; but duty is duty, and we have all faced dangers as great as this - probably far greater.Whatyou say is most interesting, doctor, and I agree with you, that outside the room we must look for the explanation of these murders - if murders they are.Upon that business we shall start to-morrow.Forgive me for not going into details, because we have our personal methods.They embrace the element of surprise, and, of course, prevent any conversation concerning what we are going to do until we have done it.""Supposing you are all found dead to-morrow?" asked Dr.Mannering bluntly.
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