第66章(2 / 2)

"Nay, why not enter the house itself?--the situation is lonely, and the door is not made of iron.""But what if, on her return home, she tell the tale of our violence? A house forced,--a virgin stolen! Reflect; though the feudal privileges are not destroyed, even a Visconti is not now above the law.""Is he not, Mascari? Fool! in what age of the world, even if the Madmen of France succeed in their chimeras, will the iron of law not bend itself, like an osier twig, to the strong hand of power and gold? But look not so pale, Mascari; I have foreplanned all things.The day that she leaves this palace, she will leave it for France, with Monsieur Jean Nicot."Before Mascari could reply, the gentleman of the chamber announced the Signor Zanoni.