第25章 ACT III(8)(1 / 2)

Exactly as before,I was your little skylark,your doll,which you would in future treat with doubly gentle care,because it was so brittle and fragile.(Getting up.)Torvald--it was then it dawned upon me that for eight years I had been living here with a strange man,and had borne him three children--.Oh,I can't bear to think of it!I could tear myself into little bits!

Helmer (sadly).I see,I see.An abyss has opened between us--there is no denying it.But,Nora,would it not be possible to fill it up?

Nora.As I am now,I am no wife for you.

Helmer.I have it in me to become a different man.

Nora.Perhaps--if your doll is taken away from you.

Helmer.But to part!--to part from you!No,no,Nora,I can't understand that idea.

Nora (going out to the right).That makes it all the more certain that it must be done.(She comes back with her cloak and hat and a small bag which she puts on a chair by the table.)Helmer.Nora,Nora,not now!Wait until tomorrow.

Nora (putting on her cloak).I cannot spend the night in a strange man's room.

Helmer.But can't we live here like brother and sister--?

Nora (putting on her hat).You know very well that would not last long.(Puts the shawl round her.)Goodbye,Torvald.I won't see the little ones.I know they are in better hands than mine.As I am now,I can be of no use to them.

Helmer.But some day,Nora--some day?

Nora.How can I tell?I have no idea what is going to become of me.

Helmer.But you are my wife,whatever becomes of you.

Nora.Listen,Torvald.I have heard that when a wife deserts her husband's house,as I am doing now,he is legally freed from all obligations towards her.In any case,I set you free from all your obligations.You are not to feel yourself bound in the slightest way,any more than I shall.There must be perfect freedom on both sides.See,here is your ring back.Give me mine.

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