第14章 CHAPTER IV(2)(1 / 3)

The wool money from these should be 2500pounds per annum.If a man can start with 2000ewes,it will not be long before he finds himself worth 10,000sheep.Then the sale of surplus stock which he has not country to feed should fetch him in fully 1000pounds per annum;so that,allowing the country to cost 2000pounds,and the sheep 2500pounds,and allowing 1000pounds for working,plant,buildings,dray,bullocks,and stores,and 500pounds more for contingencies and expenses of the first two years,during which the run will not fully pay its own expenses--for a capital of 6000pounds a man may in a few years find himself possessed of something like a net income of 2000pounds per annum.Marvellous as all this sounds,I am assured that it is true.{4}On the other hand,there are risks.There is the uncertainty of what will be done in the year 1870,when the runs lapse to the Government.The general opinion appears to be,that they will be re-let,at a greatly advanced rent,to the present occupiers.The present rent of land is a farthing per acre for the first and second years,a halfpenny for the third,and three farthings for the fourth and every succeeding year.Most of the waste lands in the province are now paying three farthings per acre.There is the danger also of scab.This appears to depend a good deal upon the position of the run and its nature.Thus,a run situated in the plains over which sheep are being constantly driven from the province of Nelson,will be in more danger than one on the remoter regions of the back country.In Nelson there are few,if any,laws against carelessness in respect of scab.In Canterbury the laws are very stringent.Sheep have to be dipped three months before they quit Nelson,and inspected and re-dipped (in tobacco water and sulphur)on their entry into this province.Nevertheless,a single sheep may remain infected,even after this second dipping.The scab may not be apparent,but it may break out after having been a month or two in a latent state.