Mine own familiar friend.

During these days of absence Stephen lived under alternate conditions.Whenever his emotions were active,he was in agony.

Whenever he was not in agony,the business in hand had driven out of his mind by sheer force all deep reflection on the subject of Elfride and love.

By the time he took his return journey at the weeks end,Stephen had very nearly worked himself up to an intention to call and see her face to face.On this occasion also he adopted his favourite route--by the little summer steamer from Bristol to Castle Boterel;the time saved by speed on the railway being wasted at junctions,and in following a devious course.

It was a bright silent evening at the beginning of September when Smith again set foot in the little town.He felt inclined to linger awhile upon the quay before ascending the hills,having formed a romantic intention to go home by way of her house,yet not wishing to wander in its neighbourhood till the evening shades should sufficiently screen him from observation.

And thus waiting for nights nearer approach,he watched the placid scene,over which the pale luminosity of the west cast a sorrowful monochrome,that became slowly embrowned by the dusk.Astar appeared,and another,and another.They sparkled amid the yards and rigging of the two coal brigs lying alangside,as if they had been tiny lamps suspended in the ropes.The masts rocked sleepily to the infinitesimal flux of the tide,which clucked and gurgled with idle regularity in nooks and holes of the harbour wall.

The twilight was now quite pronounced enough for his purpose;and as,rather sad at heart,he was about to move on,a little boat containing two persons glided up the middle of the harbour with the lightness of a shadow.The boat came opposite him,passed on,and touched the landing-steps at the further end.One of its occupants was a man,as Stephen had known by the easy stroke of the oars.When the pair ascended the steps,and came into greater prominence,he was enabled to discern that the second personage was a woman;also that she wore a white decoration--apparently a feather--in her hat or bonnet,which spot of white was the only distinctly visible portion of her clothing.

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