In the meantime the young man slowly descended the hill to the oval valley,while Willock hurried forward to meet him.
Don't you come no futher!Willock commanded,threatening with his gun.Keep your hands above your head until I can ship your cargo.
Obediently he stood while the great whiskered fellow took the weapons from his belt,and dived into his hip pockets.
That'll do.Now--what do you want?
It's hard to put it into a few words,the other complained.I'd like to have a little talk with you.
You are one of them fellows that come here to run us out of the country,ain't you?I don't remember seeing you,but I guess you belong to the bunch over on Red River.Well,you see we're still here,meaning to stay.Are your pards outside there,waiting for a message?
Nobody knows I'm here,or thought of coming.Let me put that affair in its true light.The boys are all under our boss,and when he lays down the law it isn't for us to argue with him--we carry out orders--
Unless there's a Brick Willock involved in them orders,returned the man,with a grim smile.
But it's our duty to TRY to carry out the orders,whether we like 'em or not.So you won't hold that against me--that little scrimmage of last month,especially as you came out best man.
I used to have a boss,myself,Willock spoke uncompromisingly.But when he give me certain orders,one particular night that I recollect,I knocked him on the head and put out for other parts.You must of thought yourself in PRETTY business coming over here to take away the land and all on it,that's belonged to me for nine years,and nobody never having tried to prize me out of it except some trifling Injuns and horse-thieves.Ain't they NO honesty in the world?Hasn't no man his property rights?I guess your boss knowed this wasn't HIS land,didn't he?What's going to become of this country when man isn't satisfied with what is his'n?Well,now you've had a little talk with me,and hoping you've enjoyed it,you can just mosey along.I'll send your weapons after you by a messenger.